
Posts Tagged ‘Pizza’


As a rule, Dan and I never go out for Valentine’s Day. And this year, in the spirit of the silliness of the holiday, we dressed up in our trashy best. Fortunately I still had my leopard print tube top, a remnant of my former New York night clubbing wear that I can’t seem to part with. I even drew a heart tattoo on my shoulder though I have to say I did a very poor job using my eyeliner. By the end of the evening, it was severely smudged and just looked like a gross skin discoloration. Dan, meanwhile opted to wear one of my tight fitting shirts that didn’t even reach past his belly. We agreed that the one lacking item in Dan’s getup was a fake gold chain necklace, preferably with a cross on it.

Because it was a casual affair, we had pizza for dinner along with 2 bottles of red wine and ice cream for dessert. Dan still hasn’t mastered preparing the dough from scratch so we ended up buying the $2 pre-refrigerated dough in a bag at Trader Joe’s. It’s a lot cheaper than Boboli and tastes better too. And it suits us just fine.

One cliché that did occur was the obligatory set of red roses, however I rather like them and they do smell nice.

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